Again and Again

By Ripitup

I see you

The cat was chasing spiders on the licence plate as i walked towards it and stopped to stare as I got close.

The podiatrist that I've not visited for years was enjoying an aperol at a pavement table and shouted my name loudly as i passed. We chatted for a while and then I went onwards to the butcher happily I hadn't forgotten my purse and left with provisions.

Bumped into someone who used to work on my team. When he left it was for a job that really enthused him. He didn't express the same enthusiasm today when I asked about it but said today that he'd dug himself in like a tick and would make it hard for them to be rid of him

I had another meeting where I set out what we'd cover during the meeting. I didnt leave enough space for the other person to speak at the end perhaps but it is something I can work on.

Watering my pots after I got home I, again enjoyed looking at the tiny flowers that join up to make an alium head and the scent of the basket choices this year.

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