
By Jackyt

Busy day ???

Met a friend in Cardinham woods early to walk the dogs before it got too hot.
Home via the fuel station and pet shop for dog food.
Cleaned and tidied the van and replaced the windscreen wipers.
Then decided to attack the venetian blind in the kitchen, it took some time to get it clean but it looked good when I finished. Cleaned the window before I put it back up.
While I was doing it my watch buzzed telling me to relax, I didn't know my running watch did that I must have been working hard it's never done it before :-)
Having seen the Northern lights last night, and the chance to see them again to night, i nipped up to the moor. Last night was lovely, only 3 cars up there and a spectacular show. But tonight there were cars everywhere and it took me ages to get home as people were parked in passing spots.

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