My day

By 59

Highland Coo?

…no, this is my grand dog cocker spaniel called Solomon. He is so hairy and funny. 

Today was Mother’s Day (happy Mother’s Day to all the Mums out there). After a late start our daughter rang from Sydney and we chatted for ages. Then Nina and family and Onken arrived to say Happy Mothers Day (and bring some home made biscuits). Then we went to Bryan and family for afternoon tea. Max made some cinnamon scrolls. They were delicious. He is such a good cook. Max has a part time job at the fancy restaurant and has saved up to buy his first car. It was his (other) grandfather’s who passed away 2 years ago. His Grandma kept it until Max was old enough to be interested. I’m sure he got a good family discount. 

We came home and went for a walk around the big park. It is 2.3 Km which is far enough for me. Now waiting for dinner to cook. 

Finished my book last night. Now I have to choose the next one. I have a bookcase full of unread books so I just have to pick one. 

I just read the aurora might be visible in southern Australia again tonight. I popped out and saw the moon hiding behind some clouds. I have added it in extras as I like the moody look even if there isn’t any colour. Taken with phone on telephoto hence the blurr. 

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