
By flavia13


Went over to Mum's this morning.  As we were about to leave we were met by our friend down the road from us, she'd popped up to give Hubby some gardening magazines.  They tend to do that, recycle by passing on magazines that they are interested in to each other and beyond, so they get read many times before they go in for full recycling.  

We met quite a lot of traffic on the A590 and a lot of caravans, I think most are probably going home after having a Bank Holiday weekly break.  We didn't get held up much though.

Had a good chat to Mum, did some chores for her - although she'd done most of them herself, including carrying a large wooden heavy chair out of her bedroom as she doesn't want it in there any more.  Now Mum is only 5' 0", maybe less now so how she did that we don't know!!!!!  Anyway all now sorted.

After our usual sandwich lunch we came home via the A6.  We didn't stop on The Prom as it was so hazy there was no views to photograph.  As we came up the Dallam Estate Layby Hubby asked if I wanted to stop for a photograph of the deer, I said "No" they won't be there, or if they are they will be way up the top of the hill.   WRONG - We should have stopped as the whole herd was right down by the water's edge - aaaarrgghhh!!!  Lesson learnt, always stop then we can just drive away if they're not there. 

So instead you've got a photo of one of our aquilegia from the garden which caught my eye.

I hope you are all well.  Thank you so much for continuing to drop by and for all your stars, hearts, comments and kindness.  See you all tomorrow.

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