Kaybees Bits

By Kaybee


Young ones.
I found them under a large chunk of wood in the garden when I was doing a spot of clearing up.
I knew we have had them before but only because No1 has spotted one  a few years ago.
It was hot in the garden (by our standards) and having moved the lump of wood I couldn't risk trying to put them back ..... so I took them round to the pond.. I put the first one in the water and hoped to get a decent shot or two without the dust that had been on it (for better identification by N01 son). but it just allowed itself to sink into the darkness. So I put the other one on a lily pad for a couple of shots before it too vanished into the depths.

There are 5 more shots HERE.

SWMBO decided that she needed a purchase from a shop at The Gyle so we contacted yesterdays hosts and let them know we would drop off a flash drive with the pictures I had taken yesterday. They were very appreciative and wouldn't let us go without having partaken of a cuppa.

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