Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie

The last sun before three days of rain

Our weather app is showing rain for the next three days. And not just rain.................... Really heavy rain........... And wind................... Boohoo.

Ann said we had to make the most of the sunshine, and also the most of the beaches, as the 'doggie beach ban' comes into effect on my two favourite St Ives Beaches on the 15th May. Having said that, I can still go on all of the beaches throughout the summer before 10am and after 6pm. Ann thinks that's a very good compromise.

This afternoon, Ann went to work 1-6pm, and when she got home at 6.15pm I was just lying in my bed feeling sorry for myself. …..........And then Ann spotted two splodges of 'sick' on the floor. I know, I know, far TMI. She took me for a little walk around the field obv she cleaned up my sick first and I did my normal rolling around in the grass thing. Then I came home, gobbled up all my breakfast (that I hadn't eaten), and now I'm back in bed fast asleep. Ann's hoping that me being sick was just a 'one off type of thing'


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