
By Beewriter

Double Dip Day

It was beautiful down at the Quays this morning. My knee is playing up at the moment and so it was a bit painful to swim, but I did a lap of the 750m and then the 450m. I stopped to rest my knee before continuing but then I went cold so I got out. It was great sitting on the steps and chatting in the sunshine afterwards.

I called at Morrison’s on the way home…I was walking down an aisle when I went terribly dizzy, I just managed to get to the shelves and stay upright. It took a few minutes before I could move. I sat in the car until I felt okay to drive. When I got home I parked up and got out of the car and it hit me again. A couple of neighbours were there thankfully. I think I’m going to have to buy some ear plugs as I presume the cold water in my ears affected me badly. I spent the rest of the day chilling in the garden.

I had seen the Northern Lights last night and I wanted to get a decent photo so I met Jackie and Kelly up at Redbrook. There is no light pollution up on the Moors so I thought it would be perfect. Jackie’s husband came along too as we met just after 11pm. As I drove up I passed lots of cars parked up as many others had had the same idea. We wanted to swim under the Lights, but sadly they never appeared. The water was 17° and as flat as a millpond. It was wonderful to have a midnight swim.

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