Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

Graveyard Field

I drove up to Asheville today to meet up with one of my new hiking friends. She and I were going to explore some spots today and then meet up tomorrow with a few of the other hikers to do a hike at a new to me location. So Jan and I were going to spend the night at a hotel so we would not have to drive up at 5am to get here on time.

Today we went exploring on the Blue Ridge Parkway to Graveyard Field to hike to the two waterfalls there. A total of 4+ miles with all kinds of trail conditions- steps, boardwalks, mud, roots and rocks. Uphill was tough!

When we got to the upper falls viewpoint I thought we were done but then we saw a guy standing at the top. Me being me, I said yes,I am going up! So a rocky almost crawling climb later we made it! It was spectacular! I had left my phone with a nice lady who took the photo of us on top!

Did I mention it was dripping rain for most of the hike. The rain was supposed to be tonight but the mountain was in the clouds. When we got back to the hotel, no rain here at all.

The hike Tuesday has been cancelled because there may be thunderstorms. I will be heading back home in the morning but today was great even with getting wet.

I also met up with one of my granddaughters who lives in Asheville for supper so it was even better!

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