aujourd'hui je choisis de continuer

STRAVA Day 1081- Indoor yoga

Cycling to market this morning :Bike photo in STRAVA is one of Gramps' road bikes and since he no longer uses the red handled one, he wants me to hopefully learn how to ride it. The seat is higher, the tires thinner and the position of the handlebars are lower. Practiced mounting but was too scared to let go and actually attempt to balance and ride it so I went back home for White Fiona. If after some time, I don't conquer my fear, we will be letting it go to a willing buyer

You are here today to experience life in all its richness. 
Embrace every opportunity to do so.

Succumb to the pleadings of your curiosity. Exercise the power of your courage.

Offer healthy challenges to your mind, your body, and your assumptions. Grow stronger in all dimensions by working honestly through those challenges.

Share who you are, what you know, how you feel with the other people who inhabit your life. With your words and especially your actions, fortify existing bonds and seek to build new ones.

Though it can be all too easy to repose endlessly in your habitual comforts, you know you deserve much more. Ignite your sense of adventure by intentionally stepping away from what’s comfortable and expected.

There are specific pathways today that will show you how intensely alive you can be. Choose one, follow where it leads, then keep the richness going. -bohemian_heart

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