
By ArcLight

Brunswick Book Club

This is the odd name for the newly reopened and refurbished Vittoria's on Leith Walk. Vittoria's itself is moving round the corner to the corner of Leith Walk and Brunswick Road. The cafe bar has opened, but here you can see the early morning activity to get it ready for the sitting-out hordes. I'm not sure about the yellow clock (when compared to the yellow hoardings which have now gone and the formerly black clock).

It was quite a day at work, starting with the usual early morning meeting, some bits and pieces in the morning, a big meeting to facilitate at lunchtime (hopefully it will see some progress being made), and then interviews in the afternoon. After work, I headed up to The Outsider to join my fellow Heads of School. We were quite giddy and raucous. Quite the atmosphere. They really are a great bunch. I couldn't do it without them.

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