Booky Goatherd

By Booky_Goatherd

Monday: Brooklyn Bridge

The day started chilly and overcast but brightened up to become lovely and warm.  We started by taking the subway out to Coney Island, such a wonderful slice of 1950s life.  The amusement part doesn’t open until Memorial Day but it was still very atmospheric.  Naturally, a famous Nathan’s hot dog had to be part of the experience.

From there, we took the subway to Brooklyn Bridge and walked over it into Manhattan.  Us and thousands of others.  If you’re an ordinary New Yorker wanting to walk over the bridge it must be somewhat annoying.  We really enjoyed strolling around Brooklyn Heights and found a sunny spot for a bit of refreshment,

All that took us to mid-afternoon.  In the evening, we headed in to the Village to indulge one of my wishes which was to visit the ‘White Horse Tavern’, New York’s famous literary hangout where Dylan Thomas notoriously drank himself to death.  Luckily we didn’t have the same experience and emerged after a couple of pints and a very fine mac and cheese.

We had originally intended to go to a jazz club but were a bit too tired for that so will do that another evening.  That didn’t stop us stumbling into a really excellent basement bar for a nightcap.  ‘Kettle of Fish’ was really good, both in terms of atmosphere, people watching and music.

It so hard on trips like this to choose the photo you really want to post.  I suspect I will look at this in years to come and tut.  To make up for that, I’ve added some extras.  

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