Everyday Life

By Julez

Slow Day.

Minstrel woke me up this morning at 5.30 AM. He was shut out of the room as that's too early! We chuck a dressing gown on the floor to block the door and it does the trick. 

Next time he woke us up by scratching and meowing at the door I realised I had a migraine, so as I had to get up and take my tablets I fed him too. I went back to bed until Brian got dressed for work. Minstrel decided I should get up so he could have the warm bit of the bed.

The rain is back...

I did the migraine relief yoga routine and had a shower, then half cleaned the bathroom, had breakfast and then finished the cleaning.

Whilst doing that I noticed this large garden snail on the bathroom window (outside!) so I popped out and photographed it. I felt pretty drained by the migraine and didn't want to go too far in the heavy rain so it helped me get my Blip for the day.

It's a garden snail and we only have a yard... If I'd thought I should have moved it to Doug's mini wilderness across the road, or even next door, since the neighbour is trying to make a garden... I'm sure she'd have appreciated it, hahaha!

When we went to Sainsbury's yesterday I bought rhubarb and other ingredients for a crumble, so I made one and had some for lunch. I might have a look at how to grow rhubarb in a tub...

Also today I had a telephone appointment with someone from the GP surgery to discuss medication. It was quite helpful.. 

I might book an appointment about all the extra migraines I've been having.

I've finished the second book in the brilliant fantasy series I'm reading... It has real life echoes as it is about how we are deceived by history only being recorded by the winners of wars and those in power. Now I have to wait for part three... It's due for release in January next year... A long wait.

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