If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Bluebell ( Hyacinthoides non-scripta )

Kat had been to Dawyck Botanic Garden a number of years ago and wanted to go again.  Dawyck is one of the four gardens belonging to the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh.  What a beautiful place.  For me there were two highlights.  The Bluebells were all over the place see an extra for the impression the give.  The other highlight was spotting a little book at the reception desk; called "Lichen Safari".  When we enquired about it, it turned out to be free along with the loan of a x10 hand lens each.

I was looking closely at the end of the branches of an Oriental Spruce ( Picea orientalis) and took hold of the twig to steady it.  The result was a shower of pollen.  What a good job I don't suffer from hay fever.  See an extra for my attempt to show what it was like.  The other two extras are shots of some of the Lichens we came across.  The first I tentatively identify as an Usnea species possibly subfloridada.  The second I an fairly sure is Evernia prunastri.

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