Choose Joy

By Energia


When someone tests positive for Covid with a home test they don’t usually know what variant they have. Apparently a variant called FLiRT is ramping up in the US. It feels like the beginning of a joke but sadly no. 

Anyway. My friend and colleague has Covid. He called me first tonight to let me know because we sat next to each other on the 14 hour plane ride and have hung out together and I’m the only one who cares enough to still wear a mask. 

No one advised him to get the last vaccine. 

When my boss, who has Covid, last tried to get a vaccine they told him he didn’t qualify and he didn’t try again. 

My boss actually got to sleep last night and felt a little better today. He is still stuck in his room so I pushed him to sit outside with me for a bit tonight. Even outside he wore a mask. 

During our lunch time one of us needed to go to the drug store and we got to see that in South Africa they don’t only have pregnancy tests and Covid tests. They have others. I thought you might find it interesting too.

FLiRT is supposed to be a yet more transmissible variant. Hopefully my mask wearing and Taffix using will protect me. 

Oh! And the presentation went really well. I thought I would be boring but somehow I wasn’t through sheer force of energy and enthusiasm even if what I actually said wasn’t that interesting. 

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