Lisa's life...

By lisa24270

Beach In Springtime

There are three works by Ipswich artist Alex Beale that I pass (too!) regularly at Addenbrookes Hospital.

I chose this one for Tiny Tuesday as I always find the little blue pushpin so cute! :)

Didn't get the MRI scan I was hoping for but at least I didn't have to go through the time & money wasting exercise of being sent for yet another needless x-ray.

The fracture clinic did finally get my nerve conduction results and when today's clinician pretty much accused my physiotherapist of pressuring me to get tests I didn't need, I reminded him that it was in fact the neurologist at the hospital that said it was needed to determine the cause of my damage. 

His response was "well, what she failed to tell you was that the titanium plate will actually hide most of what we'd want to see, but, if you like, we can go back in and do exploratoty surgery"

You wont be surprised and politely declined no further surgery without a scan!! He then said, that's good because we don't want to disturb the metal until you're at the 18 month point.

He did examine my foot again so I describe all the different pains, sensations (or lack of), tickles, and believes that because there is some feeling, albeit not always nice, the nerve may "only" be severely overstretched or compressed and not actually severed at all. Which is nice :) 

I just have to give it time, continue with physio, and let them know if there are any significant changes before the next 6 month review. 

I know time flies but when you want progress it seems a whole world away! 

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