
By Wildwood

Backyard Wildlife

They were each intent on something and each seemingly unaware of the other. The scalloped effect on the dome over the bird feeder was aactually created by the squirrel...with his teeth! Apparently John didn't fill the bird feeder quickly enough. Spike loves nothing better than to sit in the bushes outside, but he won't do it unless I'm out there too. It would seem that John doesn't throw his Kong enough.

We had an unexpected visit to the vet today. For the third or fourth time since he's been with us, Spike threw up his dinner and started pacing around, unable to settle. He's always fine by morning, but it always means a sleepless night for all three of us, so I gave him a sedative that I found in my doggy first aid box. It worked like a charm and he slept like a baby all night but I probably should have taken one too because I was awake most of the night worrying if I should have given him a sedative.  

He showed antibodies for anaplasmosis a tick-bourne disease similar to Lyme's disease about a month ago, but since he was asymptomatic I decided we could wait and see if he developed any symptoms. Three incidents  in two didn't seem to fit, but we decided it was time to take him in for a PCR test (similar to the ones we all had during Covid only a lot more pricey.) to rule it out. The vet suggested that it could also be heartburn and prescribed an antacid or that he was hearing something that we couldn't hear. Those don't seem to fit either but she was not averse to my giving him a sedative. It's all very strange but he's just fine now and I'm going to take a nap!

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