
By TrudeAndNova

Evening walk at Breivoll

A long day, starting with the «sleeping course», which is interessting. From there to Tofte, where I had to take care of the dogs, for a couple of hours, since Dag had his patiens and the house was beeing cleaned for the viewing at monday. Diva wasn´t in a good shape, which we have noticed for a while. She has shuffled for a while, but not like today, she has been stiff, but today she didn´t even tried to raise when the cleaner, who she loves came to greet the dogs. Dag was going to Sweden with Trulte and Diva after work, so the house will stay nice, but he called the veterinarian and we went there. None of us thought Diva would be with us any more, but we didn´t mention it, since I know that it will very hard for Dag, and of course for me too, and especially now, when he is leaving his beloved house too. The vet thought it could be something with her intestines and gave her medicine. Dag took her to Sweden, and had a deal to call the vet personally if she didn´t get any better. I spoke with Dag this morning and she was a little better, so he would wait until thursday, if she doesn´t seem to suffer. I will go to Sweden after a meeting wednesday evening. It´s so hard to see the dog like this and see her eyes which was following me all the time. She will be 14 years old in June, so it´s of course calculated, that something can appear any time, but still, very sad.

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