
By FrankS

Z is for........

Zen and Zzzzz.  Apparently the young Buddha dropped off in the shade of a leaf whilst having his Zen lessons.

So ends my A to Z blip adventure of 2024.   Thanks to all who've followed my offerings.

In other news: Liz and Rachel came over this morning and after coffee they went with Ann to see the Laura Knight exhibition at the museum.  I stayed at home and continued my year-end processing.

Zen is a school of Buddhism which emphasises the practice of meditation as the key ingredient to awakening ones inner nature, compassion and wisdom. The practice of meditation (Zen in Japanese) as a means of attaining enlightenment was introduced, as we have seen, by the Buddha himself. Zen approached Buddhism in the most direct, simple and practical way. It grasped that enlightenment was the most fundamental aspect of Buddhism and thus did away with sacred scriptures, rituals and objects of worship, all of which had become a major aspect of Mahayana Buddhism in India.


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