
By Incredibish

Deep in the Buzzy Green

I've spent most of the day out walking; a gentle 6km in the morning and then a decent 10km in the afternoon. The morning's walk was back to a field of (linseed?) where yesterday I'd seen half a dozen hares playing together. Sadly today they were nowhere to be seen.

That left me with an inordinately long lens and nothing but insect shots in the nature reserve! Standing well back, I enjoyed watching this bee carefully clean its enormous proboscis deep - almost lost - in the grassland. I mean, where does he keep that thing when he's aloft?

There are more than sixty TT468 entries so far, and I'll be eagerly running through them all tomorrow. If, therefore, you have a Tiny Tuesday shot you've not yet uploaded or appropriately tagged, you have about twelve hours. :-)

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