By lizzie_birkett

Getting my Mojo back…

I’ve been struggling to be creative for quite a while, yes, I’ve done the odd sketch here and there but with headaches and tiredness I haven’t had the 
Anyway, since we went to Hebden Bridge on Sunday I’ve felt more inspired to create. It’s such an arty crafty place.
I started a collage, I’ve never really done it before but the more I gathered stuff together to use the more excited I got. There’s hardly any room on the table! I haven’t a clue what it will turn out like but it’s fun just messing about.
I joined Blipper LouLou’s FB art group - ‘Life Documented’. I’m hoping to 
learn different ways of creating art.

Drama group at the village hall tonight - it was good fun.

Off to bed now, goodnight Blippers. 
Thanks for all the lovely comments, stars and hearts for Frank’s art work. 
He’s chuffed and says thank you!

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