
By davidc

W-I-D-E on Wednesday: Landscape

It's been a busy day - mostly spent at Son#3's house doing some DIY for him. Some time ago his downstairs loo soil pipe leaked, and the plumber who repaired it had to pull apart the boxes covering the various pipes. As the wood was pretty rotten, and as they'd been put together with nails not screws and therefore were damaged when pulled apart, a complete replacement of the boxes was necessary. It's a fiddly job in a small room working round the toilet but it's half done now - with screws this time! More work to complete the job in a day or two.

Anyway that left little time for blipping and I don't often blip photos of toilets, so this is a quick phone shot of the River Tyne taken from near his house, for Bobsblips's Widwed challenge of "Landscape" - thanks Bob!

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