Keith B

By keibr

Democratic duty!

Looking out the back of the town hall this is a detail of what you see. A rather strange statue in two parts that I think resembles a ship’s figurehead. Härnösand is historically a shipping town so my feeling is probably correct.
I was in the town hall to take part in the Election Committee, looking at all the final details before the EU elections happening soon.
So in one way doing my democratic duty. However, we are about to go off on a long trip which we planned quite a while back and it coincides exactly with the election. We leave as early voting commences, and get back just after everything is cleared up and evaluated! So much for my democratic duty!
A lot fewer people vote in the EU election, in comparison to the General Election, so it won’t be too tough for my colleagues to take up the slack. I’ll make sure I’m here for the next Swedish General Election in September 2026!!
I’m writing this from ’Arry the camper van, parked on the South Sound car park looking over the sea. It’s the morning of our “try out“ night, the first 2024 trip. It went well and felt very familiar, as I suppose it should as our fourth van season gets underway.

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