
By Missycat

Not very wild Wednesday

Today I managed to do a bit more washing of holiday clothes and when I was hanging them on the washing line, took my camera to photograph what was in bloom in May.  May is the best month for our garden and in Extras is a collage of just some of the flowers.  My main pic is the usual May shot of the honeybells  with an approaching bee.  The pic isn't all that wild but I fear that the honeybells have gone wild, multiplying and growing at rather odd angles.  They will need to be sorted out before next year.
In other news: we picked up Violet this afternoon and once home we 'made' some Betty Crocker chocolate chip cookies.  This is so simple and only takes minutes to do.  I also find that Violet eats rather more of anything that she has had a hand in making!  Fortunately there were a couple left for her to take home to Stella-Rose.

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