Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Out and about in London

I had a good walk with Xena this morning before getting the train to London. Gavin had given me a gift voucher from a shop in London as a present that needed spending before it expired, so I decided to use it up today. 

It was drizzling and a dull day in London so not the best day for walking around, but after I bought what I wanted I walked down New Bond Street, which is a street that is door to door high end designer shops, not the kind of place one would shop unless you were the kind of person whose chauffeur drops them off outside the door, and in some cases, your bodyguard loiters outside while you are shopping (I kid you not!). Ridiculous clothes at ridiculous prices.

I took a few photos along the way - starting clockwise from top left is the famous hat shop Lock & Co, where you would go to get your top hat for your morning suit or now that it is 'the season', your top hat for the Ascot races. As you can see it was founded in 1676, older than many countries, and has been serving royalty and the gentry for centuries! The pink flowers adorning the shop front are for the summer season - in the next photo I liked the matching pink shirt of the man standing nearby. Bottom right is one of London's most popular modes of transport, the electric LimeBikes - people now talk about 'lime-ing across the city'. Bottom left is the pretty Victorian Royal arcade, built in 1869.

I met Gavin for lunch and we had a lovely meal at a restaurant on St James street just off Piccadilly, before he returned to work and I got the train home again. As soon as I left London it was sunny with blue skies. Xena enjoyed a second walk in the sunshine this afternoon.

We have a busy weekend coming up so I am going to have a quiet evening and relax tonight.

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