Sally Hart

By rosiecatwoman

Sir Chavo

This is my splendid cat companion : Sir Chavo. I'd always understood Maine Coon's to be a rather special breed. 4 years ago I had a health crisis and found myself wanting a warm friendly cat, rather than Miss Floss, who from kittenhood had been irritable and scratchy. She had been part of an unwanted / mistake litter and I suspect the breeder removed her from her mother far too early. That summer I went to Cambridge folk festival and heard the wonderful Martin Simpson sing a new song of his 'My Romany Chavo'. That word Chavo: Romany for boy, resonated immediatly and my precious kitten pal became Chavo. I think this picure shows why he's Sir, he can be very bossy and thinks he owns the house, but is more dog than cat. he follows me around with his distinctive Chirrup, particular to the breed.

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