An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Busy doing nothing...

Today has been the loveliest, most relaxing laid back day in ages :-)

D and I had lunch in the garden, listening to the birds and watching the little bunnies hop along the grass.  Lola was flat out snoozing in the shade and didn't bother her backside with them so they happily lay on the grass too.  There was a very loud blackbird singing his song from the Japanese maple.  So wonderful to listen to.  And the tree was positively glowing in the sunshine so it had to be my blip.

After lunch I was going to sit in the Gin Palace and crochet but it was such a lovely afternoon I sat on the patio, under a new sun umbrella that had just been delivered (good old John Lewis :-) 

I thought I might get my shawl finished this afternoon but I spotted a mistake two rounds back and had to frog my work back to that point to fix it.  No idea how I missed it as I meticulously check each round as any mistake in this piece would be easily spotted.  Serves me right for crocheting when tired.

I am still in a quandary with the outfit I bought for Andrew and Nikki's wedding in July, so I have sent away for more items to try.  I just know I am going to end up wearing the original outfit but for the moment I'm keeping looking, just to satisfy my curiosity.

Beef stroganoff for dinner than half watching the 2024 PGA Championship from Valhalla Golf Club, Kentucky.  

I was so shocked earlier this week to read that Rory McIlroy is divorcing his wife after seven years of marriage.  That man does not have a good track record in his treatment of the women in his life.  I think it would be best for all concerned if he remained single from here on in.

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