A Meandering Life...

By Skeena


The leak not the knee, that will take a little longer.

It’s a great relief to have running water where it should be again. My next job is to speak with the local water board again to have my usage adjusted back to normal.

The plumber I used is from Gateshead and known locally as Tony the Fridge. He is an endurance runner, the sort who will do the Great North Run 10 times in ten days or run between John O’Groats and Lands End raising money for charity, all whilst carrying a real fridge on his back..!

Just in case you were wondering he used his van to bring his tools today. ;o)

Knee Update: Pain on the whole is now under control. I’m even finding I’m moving about without thinking and realising I did so without my sticks. Physio tomorrow, so all that might change…

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