Living my dream

By Mima

24 hours later...

...and we are ignored. The sheep barely noticed us as they grazed this afternoon, scattered across their paddock in the sunshine. 

It's been a gentle day. The morning saw me gardening at G's, and hearing horrors about the family's brush with proper 'flu. They thought initially it was Covid, but apparently not. G spent five full days in bed. The kids slept 20-odd hours a day and hardly ate for a week. They all seem to be starting to recover now, but it  has left them all washed out and shaken. It makes me very glad to have had my annual 'flu vaccination...

Other than watering the brassicas and silverbeet in the tunnelhouse I've had a day off from my garden. Instead Bean and I have enjoyed the sun - walking, lazing and playing soccer. Almost a day off!

Late addition of the extra...a cracking sunset to end the day.

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