Every Picture Tells .....


Grove Park, Rhyl


A warm and sunny morning which I spent out in the garden. I cut the lawns at the front and side of the house and dug up some more cotoneaster roots in the back garden.

Despite all my efforts, the weeds on the front lawn are still thriving and I have applied more feed and weed.

The rain arrived early afternoon and turned quite heavy by evening just in time for our away match against Grove Park Bowling Club at Rhyl. The game started just before 6pm but I played at number 9 and it was almost 8pm before I was on the green. I had quite a short game winning 21-4 which will boost my place in the division averages.

The mural pictured, which is visible from the car park at the club,  has been painted on the back wall of one of the shelters around the bowling green.

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