Lost in Thought

By steveng

Headstone Flowers (WFW24_07 & FF17_2024)

I've been grass cutting in the churchyard this morning and decided to leave some of the strips of daisies and buttercups for the bees.  They tend to grow together in a sort of carpet so not too difficult to cut around the groups. 

These speedwell flowers have self seeded next to one of the old headstones so having carefully avoided them with the mower,  I went back in the afternoon to get my blip. 

We do leave a couple of areas uncut through the spring & summer, but the daisy/buttercup carpets were too attractive to cut just yet.

Whatever this cold/cough/chest infection is,  I don't want it again, it's like being in a minor war of attrition and winning very slowly!  Everyone else I know who has had it says the same.

Thanks to Miranda1008 for Wildflower Week and Bike Bear for Flower Friday.

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