Everyday Life

By Julez


Another feline generated rude awakening this morning. Ten past four this time -if he thinks he's getting fed at that time he can think again! 

Once again I had a migraine, a really bad one this time. I wonder if Minstrel can somehow sense it and that is why he wakes me up? Unlikely but you never know... Anyway, tablets and back to bed!

The lights of the migraine and Brian's industrial sleep-breathing kept me awake until he got up for work, but then I went to sleep for another couple of hours.

Not done a great deal today really other than hoovering and a trip to Tesco. I took flowery photos on the way.

Also I bought some cheapo new trainers and sandals from a large nearby shoe shop. I hate shopping for footwear as I have such weird feet, and having only a small budget didn't help. Those I found at least felt reasonably comfortable, so they will do.

I must look for another job before I next need footwear...

Once home I had a late lunch and watched another Vera episode.

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