
By MerrilHope


Life has been extraordinarily busy for the last few days and so I am going to have to back Blip a bit, and hopefully catch up on other journals over the weekend. 

Well, I woke up after my first night staying at the villa and spent the day here cleaning (again!), dealing with workmen on various tasks, and then more cleaning. John and Janice arrived at a great time for the three of us (+ Rufus) to walk to Liman restaurant on the sea front for lunch.

More cleaning this afternoon . The need for all this cleaning is the aftermath of the building work / renovation that I've had done - kitchen, bathroom, electronic window shutters, French doors, patio doors, all generating a phenomenal amount of dust in an already dusty environment. 

A wonderful shower restored my well being before walking, with Rufus, to Sahara restaurant to meet John and Janice, Britt and Bengt for Friday night fish and chips on the water front (today's pic).

Now Rufus and I are back with J and J - staying the night with them as I have stuff to do in the apartment tomorrow before officially moving on  to the Villa on Tuesday.

ok now to yesterday's blip - and the day(s) before.....

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