
By davidc

A "Sea Fret"

I've deviated from my usual contribution to BikerBear's Flower Friday challenge today as I rather liked this ethereal view I saw on my morning walk. Living about 5 miles inland from the northeast coast we're always at risk of a sea fret (or "haar") especially at this time of year, although usually we escape here even when it's misty at the coast itself. Not so today however, and although the sun did make it through nicely during the afternoon the mist is back again this evening as I write. A couple of hours ago the AuroraWatch alerts turned red but they've dropped to green again at the moment - however even if they go red again later after dark it seems unlikely that we'll get a view this time, unlike last Friday.

The photo shows the view across the larger of the two lakes at Killingworth. It looks best large.

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