talloplanic views

By Arell

All the gear and all the idea

After sleeping all the hours last night I somehow was up early anyway, which at least meant I started work early and finished properly early.  That gave me a good opportunity to trundle to the garden centre for a pressure sprayer.  No Mow May may all be very well but they also say your house's front garden should be a gift to your street, and mine is a weedy mess that embarrasses me a lot.

After a quick tea in the sunshine I was able to give the garage fascia boards some new paint too.  By rights I should do it properly and strip the old paint first but I'll leave that for another decade.

And joy of joys, my new cranks for Mirabel arrived!  They were actually made in 1990 but are in great condition.  They are narrower overall than modern stuff, which is good for my knees.  As an experiment I stole the similarly old bottom bracket off my blue bike that I simply haven't wanted to ride since Mirabel arrived, whacked it all together – and I think we might be in business.

Of course, silver cranks and chainrings on a bike where everything but the frame is black is simply not cricket, so I will have to do something about that.

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