
By MsQuizzical

Good Day Sunshine

This wren was singing heartily when Mishka and I went for our first walk round the garden.

We've had a lovely day. My sister and her man came for lunch. He's an artist and had painted two beautiful pictures of Mish for me. Mishka was a very good girl and loves them. My sister had made me some delicious blueberry muffins. They had proper muffin tops. :)

We took Mish for a nursery walk and had a look at the lake. Rog is into fishing. I saw my first dragonfly of the season. I was pleased as we had the gorgeous Pol Roger champagne that my daughter bought for me as an aperitif. I had made up my mind not to drink it until I saw a dragon as it has a pic of one on the box. Hope to feature both soon.

Rog saw that our gutters needing cleaning and did it for us. How kind! :)


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