
By JanetMayes

Sun in the garden

It was a bright morning and I started energetically on my plans for the day. I'd ticked off a number of small jobs, moved all the crocosmia I wanted to move into an assortment of buckets, and was contemplating the overgrown border where I hoped to relocate it in order to decide which bits to start clearing first. Then P announced that the contractors had just contacted him to say they were ahead of schedule and would like to start work on our patio tomorrow. This demanded a change of focus: the plants I lifted at the weekend were abandoned in their buckets for the moment, as I needed to clear a lot of pots, mostly full ones, from the edge of the deck and the gravelled strip just below it, to liberate the area where J's new ramp will be built. Moving pots meant clearing space... as always, everything is too full and cluttered, making clearing up much slower and harder work than it should be. However, progress was encouraging, and although it was tiring in warm midday sun, I completed the process more quickly than I expected and with some satisfaction in a job tackled and done. I still need to go through all the pots, empty those that now just contain weeds, tidy those that have anything of use or interest and dispose of the broken ones. It's a long overdue job (as I seem to say rather too often), so it was useful to be given a deadline. 

Late in the day I remembered I'd not taken any photos. Low sun offered backlit branches and stems and emphasised the contrast between the vivid green of new growth on the pines and the dark, shadowy colour of the older branches and twigs. 

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