
By tridral

Caredigrwydd a haelioni

Caredigrwydd a haelioni ~ Kindness and generosity

“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”
― Leo Buscaglia

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Nid rydyn ni eu hangen, oherwydd ein gardd yn eithaf diogel, ond o'r diwedd gwnes i roi'r clo a'r bollt ar ddrws y cwt. Roeddwn i golli'r 'cadw' neu 'dal' o un o'r bolltiau. Mae'r rhan fach o fetel crwm sy'n dal y bollt pan fydd ar gau. Felly es i i'r haearnwerthwr yn y pentref.

Doedden nhw ddim yn gwerthu'r 'dal' ar ei ben ei hunan - byddai'n rhaid i mi brynu bollt gyfan a'i holl rannau. Ond aeth y wraig yn y siop trwy'r bolltiau, yn paru bolltiau a'u daliau. Ffeindiodd hi ei bod hi'n cael un dal ar ôl, heb bollt. Dwedodd hi dydyn nhw ddim yn gallu ei werthu felly gallwn i'w gael - heb unrhyw gost. Gwnes i feddwl ei bod hi'n garedig i fynd trwy'r bolltiau a hael hefyd i roi'r rhan i fi.

Mae'n ddiddorol iawn pan prosiect bach preifat yn gollwng allan i mewn i'r gymuned ac yn cynnwys pobl eraill ac maen nhw'n ymateb yn y fath fodd. Mae wedi bod stori'r cwt y mae pobl wedi bod mor hael gyda'u hamser, egni... a rhan fach o'r drws.
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We don't need them, because our garden is quite secure, but I finally put the lock and bolt on the door of the hut. I was missing the 'keep' or 'catch' of one of the bolts. It is the small curved metal part that holds the bolt when it is closed. So I went to the ironmonger in the village.

They didn't sell the 'catch' by itself - I would have to buy a whole bolt and all its parts. But the lady in the shop went through the bolts, matching bolts and their catches. She found she had one catch left, without a bolt. She said they can't sell it so I could have it - at no cost. I thought it was kind of her to go through the bolts and also generous to give me the part.

It's very interesting when a small private project spills out into the community and involves other people and they respond in such a way. It has been the story of the hut that people have been so generous with their time, energy... and a small part for the door.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Wisteria ar ben yr ardd
Description (English):  Wisteria at the top of the garden

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