
By isbiJG

43 kms down…….

……only 57 to go! The UltraTrail Australia was run today in 4 separate races over 11km, 22km, 50km and 100 kms, all starting and finishing in Katoomba.
The UTA 100 starts at 6.30am and at about the half way mark crosses the corner of our farm for about 1.5kms. The blip shows a couple of competitors emerging from our Mitchell’s Creek crossing at about midday only 10 minutes behind the leader. They are still streaming past our gate now at 4.30 and will continue well into the night although under the regulations, they must finish within 28 hours or they get picked up by the sweeper and probably taken direct to hospital.
Prizes are minimal compared to the effort required so it’s mainly for honour and glory (and personal achievement). For the privilege of competing in the 100km event, a mere $540!

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