
By Missycat

Campanula for Flower Friday!

Today I took quite a few shots in our front garden and this shot of a bee working a campanula won the day.  In Extras though is a shot of two very busy and not very brightly coloured damselflies resting on the pyracantha flowers.  Not a stunning photo to be sure but interesting!
We have quite a few varieties of campanula in our garden and are one of the flowers that seems to do well along with roses and hardy geraniums and the campanula and hardy geraniums seem especially loved by the bees and other insects.    We've decided that we'll buy more this season.

In other news: The Colds continue with Mr MC now suffering as much as I.  We are glad that he got his op out of the way before the symptoms struck but they are not helping the soreness of his eyelid.

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