Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful


watching the buds slowly open :)

Another couple in extras.

I had a really bad night again last night.  Seems whatever I do, some nights I wake at one or two in the morning and don't go back to sleep.  This morning I managed to get back to sleep then was woken by a really loud bang...quite scary :(  I have no idea what caused it, but of course I had to check back and front of house in case there had been an accident - seemed more like an explosion to me...

Feeling very fed up, these leg issues are ruining things for me just now...

And I really need to sleep well during this busy week...

So the only thing I've done today is a load of washing which is now drying in the sunshine :)

Otherwise I've been between bed and sofa...and reading my kindle!

Looking forward to Casualty later (if I can keep my eyes open)!

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