Stuff and Nonsense

By Diane2104

Swallow #56

This morning I took my neighbour with me to RSPB Marshside in search of the Curlew Sandpiper and the Temminck's Stint that were seen yesterday. It was a lovely morning, even though we didn't find what we were looking for. 
We saw male Ruff posturing in the distance in all their finery, a lone Garganey even further away, mating avocets that I was too slow to capture and many more species. 
There were very few hirundines - half a dozen swallows, one swift, but strangely no house martins despite the huge amount of insects hovering above the water. 

After lunch I planted a few more home grown plants out in the garden and soon I'll be heading over to Mum's to see how she's been getting on with my niece. We'll have a family meal and then play some games I expect. 

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