
By meles

Langport Wren

Had a phone call from my prison student - he seems to be in fairly good shape prepping for the exam. Spent a while drudging away at the allotment - thinning and transplanting, erecting netting for the brassicas, weeding, watering...... I was delighted to see that the Langport Wren is flowering again (it didn't last year). As well as its gorgeous colour it has a faint but delicious scent.

Spent the afternoon ploughing on through the ex's book proof......

In the evening I went to the Vaults for a meal with maths tutor colleagues F and K - we had a jolly evening eating, drinking and blethering. They very kindly treated me, since we'd come to the end of our time presenting maths courses together. I bought a bottle of a new release - a rare bottling from distillery 93, one of the Campbeltown distilleries, dubbed "Viking Toothpaste" (!). It tasted good though, and not at all like toothpaste - we'll have to wait for Mr H's verdict.

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