
By biddy

Friends to lunch……

……one of them is Blipper Rainette.
We were sitting in the garden afterwards with a cuppa. It’s a lovely day, warm and sunny with intermittent cloud. They’ve not long left to return home.
In the meantime I’ve just been watching two noisy fledgling Starlings be in fed by their parent. I’m certain they all must live in extended families!
This morning’s washing is now back
on the line again as I took it down when our visitors arrived. It will soon be dry.
If you look closely at the photo you may be able to spot some wooden shapes. They are two equal sets which came out of the wooden box in front of Stephen.
They are Tangram puzzles.
Great fun, but very frustrating!
There are a set of black silhouette pictures with a different shape on each one in the box. You can see the two being attempted, on the table.
Tangrams must have all seven pieces. Each set has five triangles (two small triangles, one medium triangle, and two large triangles), a square, and a parallelogram All pieces of tangrams should be kept flat on a surface and the 7 shapes should touch each other. All pieces of tangrams should be arranged in such a manner that they should not overlap each other.
The lovely Geoff and I couldn’t do the one we had!
It is far more difficult than it looks!
Each solution is printed on the back of the small card with the black silhouette shape being attempted.
It is a beautiful evening right now.
I can hear children and adults across the back gardens.
Everyone spilling out of their houses to enjoy this lovely bit of weather.
Soon be time for tea.

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