Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Bombus Imaculatus

Or, in plain English, two-spotted bumble bee.  This is my first recorded bumble bee species this summer and a species that has become a regular here in my garden over the years.  I took this shot with my macro lens, hanging over the fence, and shooting at a very awkward angle. Surprised any of the shots came out at all, frankly!  Jax wisely stayed on the deck, observing my shenanigans.  

I also saw my first crab spider of the year, a species of Ground Crab Spider that has taken up residence in a patch of swamp milkweed.  Crab spiders rely on their ability to ambush small insects that come for nectar, so it's likely it will stay right where it is for now.  

I braved the wrath of the bluebirds to check the box today and found 4 freshly hatched nestlings!  I got one blurry pic with my cell phone and then beat a hasty retreat.  Hubs and I are going to have to put up a barrier of some sort to keep our lawn moving service from getting too close while the babies are being fed.  If my calculations are correct, they will fledge soon after I return from Oregon in early June.  And the swallows are still working on their masterpiece. 

Hubs and I are headed out this afternoon to have a look at living room furniture.  Our sofa is in dire condition and needs to be replaced, so we'll see if we find anything we like.  

Last night we watched "Places in the Heart".  Wonderful movie although I find the ending a little odd.  

And this morning, I accidentally left the lid open on the big container where we keep Jax's kibbles.  He made his way into the closet and was quietly and quickly eating as much as he could before I realized what was happening.  I need eyes in the back of my head!


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