
By Max_Blazer

815 day of war

Hello, friends!

Right now, the main topic in the country is mobilization. Today, a new mobilization law came into effect, significantly increasing the penalties for evading military registration, raising fines, and requiring all men aged 18 to 60 to report to the military enlistment office within two months. How all this will work is still unclear, but it is evident that there are fewer people available to replenish the army, as each year even stricter rules are introduced.

Against the backdrop of the Russian advance on Kharkiv and discussions that this is just the beginning, this mobilization increase seems logical, but for understandable reasons, people do not like it. The closer we get to summer, the more actively people are being recruited because this is always a time of active offensive or defensive operations, and this year we are preparing to defend against a major Russian offensive. The new mobilization law is unpopular because it leaves even fewer chances to avoid going to the front.

I don't know how everything will turn out or what to do now, but I think everything will be fine. My parents worry about me and ask me to go out less, but I simply can't live in fear, shut myself in at home, and wait for it all to end. Somehow, I've been lucky, and military representatives on the streets haven't shown interest in me, even though I often see them—they usually don't even approach me. I'm somewhat of a fatalist and believe that when it's my time to serve, they'll take me. One way or another, a patrol will approach me either in the city center or at a store near my home, and there's no hiding from it.

I have many things to do to survive now, and it's impossible to put life on hold out of fear of ending up at war. I think it's more the fear of the unknown since military service is not an automatic death sentence. Given my social skills, overload from loud noises, and confusion in stressful situations, I very much doubt they would give me any complex or responsible job. I believe in the best in any situation and don't want to be afraid of anything. Although the new laws seem quite serious, I’m not too worried and will watch to see how it unfolds.

Also, yesterday I celebrated my birthday. It's already my third birthday during the war. I don't really like being the center of attention and always try to avoid celebrating it. I have much more fun just taking a walk in the park or staying at home watching a movie. So on this day, I just did things I enjoy: took a walk in the park, dyed new socks, tried strawberries for the first time this year, and cooked a delicious dinner. And that was enough for me to have a good day.

This year, we agreed to skip gifts and save money for a vacation instead. Nastya has embroidery orders; she makes patches for the soldiers who are currently fighting. And it seems my dyeing season has started since I'm getting more orders for t-shirts and socks. So, if all goes well, by the end of the summer, we plan to go to the mountains for the weekend again, just like last year. I think that's better than any gifts, even just spending one weekend a year in nature, walking through vast forests and mountains.

So, I continue to work while there is work and hope to rest this year. I try not to focus on bad events but think more about the good and believe that everything will work out.

Thank you all for your support and kind words. More and more, I think that writing about events in my life helps me structure life, understand it better, and worry less. Also, thank you very much for the support on BuyMeACoffee; it helps a lot. Thank you, and have a nice day!

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