
By ayearinthelife


With Mrs C’s car having been returned to her yesterday all clean and shiny, I realised mine was looking incredibly scruffy by comparison.
I went for a run before lunch and was very pleased to complete a little over 5K with no aches or sprains, and at a reasonable pace to boot.
Making the most of that positive feeling, I decided to thoroughly clean my car, inside and out, this afternoon. But, my goodness, it was a long, hot job. It was warm enough whilst I was out on my run, but it was even hotter cleaning the car. Anyway, three and a half hours later, I have a shiny car again. It’s not perfect - it would really benefit from a visit to a valeter to get it looking immaculate. But there’s no point in doing that until I’ve had a couple of scratches painted. Probably looking at July or August to get that done, and then I’m going to treat the car to a full detailing.
I’ll let the sun go down a bit and then go round it with a soft cloth, just to make sure I haven’t missed any areas. And with no rain forecast until Wednesday, there’s a chance of it actually staying clean for a few days!

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