Dolly's Day

By dollydoug

The Yellow Ones

Had a free day today as there's no footie - Newcastle play tomorrow afternoon. Away at Brentford.  Last match of the season. 

Decided to pop down to Asda near The Metrocentre.  Fortunately the Number 1 bus that runs from Whitely Bay to the Metrocentre extends it route to Asda at various times during the day.  During the week it stops going to Asda quite early in the afternoon but on Saturdays it continues until later. 

Asda was really busy. Haven't been there for ages.  I was pleased to find that it sold my favourite crisp breads.  Not many shops sell them and I eat some every day so I bought 3 packs..  I also bought a lot of fruit, some salmon and a few other assorted items.  I was pleased to find some low syn Greek style yogurt ice cream lollies.- salted caramel flavour.   I had one when I got home and it was very nice.

The weather was lovely again - warm and quite sunny at times. I was going to sit outside when I got home but my neighbours on either side were both mowing their lawns so it was noisy.  I stayed indoors and watched TV instead.

For my blip I made a collage of yellow flowers.  The Welsh Poppy is in my garden and I found the other three  in the back lane - they are Dandelion, Wood Avens ( I think ) and Buttercup.

Steps today - 4,490

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