
By JennyOwen

Tern, tern, tern...

I woke very early - before 5 a.m. - and decided to make the most of it by getting out early with the camera.  Since visiting Cemlyn nature reserve last year, I've wanted to come back and photograph its tern colony again. It's particularly noted for the sandwich terns there, identifiable by the pale tip to their beaks.  They're small and delicate, and very agile in the air.
I glimpsed a red sun over the sea on the short drive there, but soon fog enveloped everything.  Still, there were good opportunities to watch the birds - not least because, without a breath of wind, the water was completely still.  I was the only person there.
So the main is from this morning. 
At the end of the afternoon I came back, and slowly the fog lifted and dissipated. So the extra has a tern in sunshine, having just caught its dinner. This time there was company: birdwatchers and photographers spread out along the shingle ridge, safely distant from the nesting birds but still offering a good view.  Everyone was engrossed in watching and listening, it felt companionable but peaceful too.
It's been a really lovely day.

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