Aquamarine/Nanna K's Day

By NannaK


Sandra heads the special collections department at the UW library.  This includes her passion, artist’s books.  She has made a huge wonderful collection in her 55 years (since she was a creative writing student)  at a job she loves.   She teaches in many different classrooms and will gladly collect a group of books for you if you are interesting in something special.    And she’s not done. 

As happens every so often, I was looking at my shelf full of books I made and thinking whatever should I do with them.  (Death cleaning, you know)  I made this rowing book at a Book Arts Guild workshop about flag books in 2012 and at the time Sandra said the UW would like one…OK, I”ll make copies.   Well, of course I never did (it’s very complicated measurements) so next I thought I’ll put a post it note on it so my kids will know to give it to the UW.  Then the next thought of course is why don’t  "I"  give it to the UW..  so that is what I did today.    Went by her house as it was easiest  (and fun..I think she likes plants as much as artist’s books) and had a bit of a chat with her and her husband.    This will be the 4th book of mine to live at the UW library.…it will be happy.  And she might get more.  

Extra:  The Book./  The viking 4x being rowed at the island with our old coach Charlie McIntyre,  the 2 island friends I taught to row (Cathy and Elyn) and me and Herb.  the flags turn it into 8 people.      It’s about George Pococks’  (extraordinary rower and boat builder) mantra.   “Harmony, Balance, and Rhythm.  There you have it.  That’s what Life is all about.”

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