
By ArcLight

Party time

Back in the day,* we would quite regularly have a "bit of a do". We've got out of the habit. My preference these days is for things in the day time, rather than the evening. Hence our occasional Sunday lunches. Today, we had a few people round to celebrate Mr A's birthday, which was nice. I didn't actually give him a birthday present, but rather organised a "bit of a do" as an experience, which in my view, at our age, goes a lot further in terms of improving quality of life. Having a bit of a do also reminded me the main reason why we bought the flat. The enormous living room is amazingly good for casual entertaining.

The catering was minimal. I made some cheese scones; Mr A made some "blondies" (as recently featured in The Guardian); and D and I brought a cake. I opened a couple of packets of crisps. And, hey presto, we were sorted. I thought more people might just want cups of tea and coffee, and these were certainly catered for. But perhaps it's a sign of the type of people we "attract" that mostly people were drinking wine and beer, and we got through a fair bit, despite the fact that it was "only" the afternoon. 

* i.e. pre-pandemic

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